every statue is a lion statue SCORE 14

always the jerry springer version SCORE 18

every fruit and vegetable SCORE 12

no bad angles SCORE 13

gonna break her heart SCORE 17

she deserves a cheeto SCORE 18

banana snuggler SCORE 30

supper with my pupper SCORE 22

toss a penny to your witcher SCORE 4

when netflix isn’t enough SCORE 32

pallet chase SCORE 27

oh no… SCORE 17

sassy vase SCORE 22

joey bean SCORE 15

a true patriot SCORE 7

not today SCORE 16

would you like to talk about cats? SCORE 17

it’s the same photo SCORE 13

how could you? SCORE 18

throw bread on me SCORE 4

just one penguin and one clown SCORE 22

adapt. evolve. overcome SCORE 28

that’s not a wolf, that’s me SCORE 18

an acceptable reason SCORE 20

this is wholesome SCORE 21

well said, booger butt SCORE 24

free luggage SCORE 35

how disgustingly cute SCORE 23

this is beautiful SCORE 25

we are dog SCORE 11

vibin’ SCORE 18

we know who to blame SCORE 18