Just FYI ladies SCORE 7

This ‘Galaxy Hair’ trend is spectacular SCORE 32

Opened A Milkshake, Found This SCORE 146

He’s So Happy To Be In The Swing SCORE 7

If there is something better than a box, it must be the footwarmer SCORE 148

So true SCORE 144

When you forget you have a test until the last minute SCORE 11

I’m Quite Sure My Car Needs This SCORE 15

How A Three Legged Dog Celebrated Halloween SCORE 10

No trust at all SCORE 169

Pumpkin Carving SCORE 13

stray male cats look like the expendables SCORE 10


These Cats Have Had Enough SCORE 11

This Mule Is Badass SCORE 192

Everyone Gets One SCORE 3

This Is A Game Changer SCORE 132

When Someone Asks What’s Up SCORE 109

Awesome Harry Potter Cake SCORE 138

Now I Know The Name Of My Disease SCORE 13

No dog in the race. SCORE -67

How Come I Was Never Taught This In School? SCORE 14

They Need To Make This Movie As Soon As Possible SCORE 13

When Grown Ups Ask Questions SCORE 12

newton became a huge nerd SCORE 0

Doctors, Amirite? SCORE 10

50 keeping it real SCORE 79

A Simple Test For Everyone Who Starts Using The Internet SCORE 146

This guy won the vending machine lottery SCORE 11

Creativity on the wall SCORE 155

Not This Time, Laundry SCORE 8

You Can Say It’s A Band Thing SCORE 13