Surprise! SCORE 187

A Christmas Tree Story SCORE 1

The Good. The Bad. The Grumpy. SCORE 87

Poor gingers. SCORE 112

A dog’s life. SCORE 61

Rewind YouTube Style 2012. SCORE 63

Twist! SCORE 154

Arrested Development: Stair Kart. SCORE 66

Best Friend SCORE 11

Accurate. SCORE 207

Hangovers. SCORE 126

Carl? SCORE 63

In a parallel universe. SCORE 43

The truth about college. SCORE 160

Oh no you didn’t! SCORE 15

Strength. SCORE 92

Jack pot! SCORE 46

Accurate. SCORE 133

Seahorses or Barnacles? SCORE 360

Lion King Anyone? SCORE 240

World’s most easily scared man. SCORE 60

It’s alive bedding. SCORE 80

I got this. SCORE 275

Watch Doctor Who They Said SCORE 47

I do what I want. SCORE 226

Stealth mode. SCORE 127

Dear Girls SCORE 187

Look at this SCORE -15

A valuable life lesson. SCORE 159

Hobbit Habits SCORE 217

Fallen princesses. SCORE 195

Dr. Funke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution. SCORE 31