Matt Damon on Arthur SCORE 125

Owlettes SCORE 136

When the Irish travel SCORE 123

Yummy SCORE 37

In a nutshell SCORE 60

This Husky’s First Time On TV SCORE 124

tank you SCORE 121

Class entertainment SCORE 131

Freedom Tower SCORE 63

Free Real Estate SCORE 66

Just for you SCORE 163

Johnny Cash playing at Folsom Prison (1968) SCORE 98

Shanghai luxury hotel being built in an abandoned quarry. SCORE 105

10 months clean before and after. SCORE 34

I’d do that again… SCORE 105

Begin again… SCORE 58

Pool’s closed SCORE 90

How to get out of a ticket SCORE 109

Raw pigeon SCORE 93

watching the world burn SCORE 40

Reminisce SCORE 94

This sign at my gym SCORE 109

That is not how any of this works. SCORE 110

Not much going on here…Just Abraham Lincoln with a backpack, standing in line to tour the house he died in. SCORE 117

What Kind Of Duck Is This? SCORE 70

Found these two at the farm today SCORE 96

Excellent reading material on the flight this morning… SCORE 45

Slow and painful. SCORE 95

tee heheheheeh SCORE 82

Wait just a minute… SCORE 90

Welcome Matt. SCORE 87

Short and sweet SCORE 104