tortilla villain SCORE 18

method acting SCORE 28

small change SCORE 10

chewno SCORE 12

strawman argument SCORE 7

dumb stupid fun SCORE 23

ringaround SCORE 120

ha, fling! SCORE 12

turning it on by turning it off SCORE 8
order disorder SCORE -5

colorful language SCORE 10

the sin-biote SCORE 14

putting the story in history SCORE 15

drop of jupiter SCORE 10

hankering SCORE -111

joint venture SCORE 22

babybel hell SCORE 3

nailed it SCORE 13

say no to fications SCORE 4

memes for good SCORE 0

lightbulb moment SCORE 125

cyclop(au)s(e) SCORE 8

facelift SCORE 15

dumpster d(r)iver SCORE 11

lean mean caffeine SCORE 14

bug report SCORE 15

on expert mode too SCORE 5

everybodys so creative! SCORE 13

alcoballic SCORE 2

man’s (secret) best friend SCORE 9

instru-mental effects SCORE 14

it’s gunna be a laun day SCORE 14