softwear SCORE 14
setting expectations SCORE 18
need head protection SCORE 13
shook cook SCORE 10
anony-must SCORE 15
sleep cycle SCORE 9
two and a half men SCORE 16
just because we ameri-can doesn’t mean we ameri-should SCORE -3
restaurot SCORE 9
“orange ya glad we have the same mom?” SCORE 6
disorder SCORE 8
falling like dominos SCORE 4
cumback sauce SCORE 4
intesting in yourself SCORE 12
sm(h)ear campaign SCORE 13
alarming behavior SCORE 23
fig(ured) it out SCORE 23
burrito hurried-to SCORE 10
cheesing the system SCORE 6
it memes a lot to me SCORE 5
food for thoughts SCORE 17
for when you feel shocked (or mousey) SCORE 10
acting civical SCORE 5
ball is life SCORE 3
trashy behavior SCORE 6
hell-in dweller SCORE 18
seeing things SCORE 12
food for naught SCORE 0
choco-lot SCORE 9
ocean missed SCORE 14
rocking their world SCORE 7
“clip that” SCORE 18