This is exactly how I feel! SCORE 190

good guy Jimmy SCORE 21

burn! SCORE -6

female SCORE 2

Jesus loves you SCORE -1

You make an excellent point. SCORE 182

Cats are jerks. SCORE 123

taco bell SCORE -8

not cool SCORE 274

tumblr these days SCORE 191

Baby Stroller SCORE 18

scumbag news SCORE 1

goes both ways SCORE 27

seriously though SCORE 10

Alone in Los Angeles SCORE -1

The biggest lie I tell myself. SCORE 18

Everytime SCORE 156

this could work… SCORE 15

Doctor Who SCORE 20

Snape Snape Severus Snape SCORE 264

what? SCORE 12

feminists SCORE -20

he doesn’t just make wine SCORE 0

Kitty classes. SCORE 10

guys of aww, i give you Kenny, the most beautiful White Tiger in the world! SCORE 18

Frozen gender bend SCORE 214

No one understands the Maths. SCORE 123

what house are you? SCORE 16

more than a princess SCORE 16

Baby mugging. SCORE 111

Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake SCORE 3

Balloon animals for beginners. SCORE 92