nibbling nostalgia SCORE 18

anime accusation SCORE 14

plane and simple SCORE 28

camera callout SCORE 20

highrise SCORE 2

how to get rid of fog SCORE 21

electro-light-touch SCORE 11

toe turn-on SCORE 26

the real questions SCORE 12

like night and day SCORE 16

journal(istic) integrity SCORE 10

mystery machine’s mystery meal SCORE 12

anxiety accelerant SCORE 22

hidden horse humor SCORE 8

museum amusement SCORE 18

gripping with grimace SCORE 13

bro-ker SCORE 27

bloom n doom SCORE 17

what’s (not) poppin’? SCORE 18

scum and villainy SCORE -4

mario party pummeling SCORE 21

two for one SCORE 16

feline faith SCORE 26

doctor disappointment SCORE 7

probe patron SCORE 1

rude recovery SCORE 9

the hardest zelda shrine SCORE 30

it’s not easy being green SCORE 23

spooky season SCORE 13

cat cube conundrum SCORE 27

clouded judgement SCORE 34

finding yourself SCORE 25