Supplies for the zombie apocalypse. SCORE 165

Tips to reduce weight SCORE 130

Colorized iconic photos. SCORE 194

Please make this happen. SCORE 221

Sharing is against the law. SCORE 134

The fitness protection program. SCORE 119

Fat felt pin cushion kitties. SCORE 153

Awkward Funeral SCORE 4

When your childhood ends… SCORE 325

Cats are jerks SCORE 6

Whenever I go to a fancy restaurant. SCORE 118

Angel world problems. SCORE 72

Today’s Special SCORE 15

Accurate. SCORE 135

He put marshmallows on my spikes again… didn’t he? SCORE 162

Kids vs. Adults. SCORE 131

Give a cat a fish. SCORE 152

Benefits of dating me. SCORE 156

It’s not you… SCORE 154

Charmander, the Zippo. SCORE 146

I should probably shave my legs soon. SCORE 229

A battered lil’ joey. SCORE 231

Tricks to teach your pet pig. SCORE 80

The weakness of Nerds. SCORE 239

When women pack vs. When men pack. SCORE 148

Bring me a shrubbery! SCORE 238

Last year, I asked Santa for the sexiest person ever… SCORE 180

Accurate. SCORE 266

Things to release at a wedding ceremony. SCORE 183

The orange light: A citric acid battery by Caleb Charland. SCORE 166

Meanwhile, in Poland. SCORE 90

Deal with it. SCORE 119