Deciding whether or not to have a baby. SCORE 138
Star Wars Nursery. SCORE 150
No, North Korea SCORE 11
What a relief. SCORE 94
Punch of a jillion deaths. SCORE 176
Why there aren’t more crazy boyfriend stories. SCORE 251
How I feel about skim milk. SCORE 186
How Jack and Rose could have survived…. SCORE 9
Thor as a kid. SCORE 460
Free toolbars. SCORE 111
Story of my life. SCORE 157
Perfect camouflage. SCORE 316
Lawl. Lawl. Lawl. Lawl. SCORE -2
Why do we pay for manicures? SCORE 153
Headless drive-through prank. SCORE 122
Drive Thru Headless Prank SCORE 4
Baked Pugtatoe. SCORE 109
That’s a dirty trick. SCORE 112
Story of my life. SCORE 238
Ladies. SCORE 106
Seems pretty safe. SCORE 254
Just leave them to yourself.. SCORE 6
The science of cats. SCORE 23
Why Thor and Loki don’t get along. SCORE 206
My reaction to the days of the week. SCORE 120
Tribute to Ridiculous Voices! SCORE 64
My grandma weighs 950 dollars. SCORE 243
Tidal waves. SCORE 159
Don’t give Spidey the Cap Shield… SCORE 0
Grey vs. Gray. SCORE 283
Amazing Lego mosaics. SCORE 151
Meet Poncho. SCORE 142