Do ya wanna see my baby? SCORE 19

Grans will feed. SCORE 12

The rovers are bipeds, also. SCORE 26

Grandma is not concerned with your type-2. SCORE 15

Skittles should collab with Gater-aide, prove me wrong. SCORE 18

Forbidden snacks… SCORE 23

Gotta get down on Friday…. SCORE 16

Fish make great pets. SCORE 18

Medieval toilet drops. SCORE 21

Hello F R A N K SCORE 14

How do you do, fellow students? SCORE 20

Don’t post it!! SCORE 23

Yes, yes! One hundred percent yes… :/ SCORE 20

Slytherins… amiright? SCORE 31

Hard to find a decent ref these days… SCORE 27

When deeps sea inspires fruit. SCORE 19

Level up your music game, homies. SCORE 25

Thank me for my service… SCORE 24

Watching, always watching… SCORE 25

It is universal art. SCORE 32

You have done me a huge disservice, sir. SCORE 18

I walk the lonely road. SCORE 23

The eye of the hurricane, as it were. SCORE 28

After all… why shouldn’t I Buy Now? SCORE 22

Give it to us straight… SCORE 19

Target sending conflicting messages… SCORE 22

Oh… wait a minute. SCORE 20

Developers know… SCORE 17

The Robots know… SCORE 20

OG gamer recognition. SCORE 27

Welcome back, warrior! SCORE 25

Good Boy Xing SCORE 32