I saw a spider crawl between the cushions of my couch… SCORE 143
Goat on a Horse, Newfoundland SCORE 58
Dog Possessed SCORE 8
One Phrase Leads to Another SCORE 11
I need to find this swing. SCORE 211
Hey! You! SCORE 24
Cats. SCORE 121
Yay! SCORE 147
Goal Celebrations FX. SCORE 46
All For Nothing SCORE 8
The Songs Of My People SCORE 20
good Reason SCORE 15
What’s worse than death? SCORE 18
The moment of impact. SCORE 184
drop dead images SCORE -6
So evil. SCORE 340
You are what you eat. SCORE 177
Do it… SCORE 42
Package design by the Devil himself. SCORE 203
What it’s like to live with a cat. SCORE 173
Accurate. SCORE 37
How to Boyfriend SCORE 15
Every time… SCORE 21
Meanwhile, at The White House. SCORE 175
so now.. SCORE -7
Because it happened to me! SCORE 205
Lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake. SCORE 130
Embrace the Inner Kid SCORE 16
When cheetahs race. SCORE 345
only do the stuff you enjoy.. SCORE 7