Don´t Touch My Ball, Man SCORE 10

I asked Nick Offerman for highschool graduation advice. SCORE 132

Truth About Pizza SCORE 6

Accurate SCORE -4

This Guy Knows What He’s Saying SCORE 121

Awhooo wooo SCORE 101

I'm Outside SCORE 12

I Miss You Robin, We All Do SCORE 184

I’m with him. SCORE 114

Wheels Designed For Stairs SCORE 196

The Phone Check, We’ve All Done It SCORE 5

Teachers SCORE 177

I can’t unsee it now SCORE 175

English Can Be Tricky SCORE 177

Weight loss journey SCORE 131

I hope this is true SCORE 215

Network connectivity problems SCORE 173

When I Say Something Awkward SCORE 18

Art SCORE 159

This is why I don't leave the house SCORE 7

If I fits..Close enough SCORE 9

Sign outside the pizza place at university today SCORE 6

Everything's fine SCORE 13

The Greatest Mystery SCORE 1

I need a mini piggy SCORE 4

The Relationship I Want SCORE 156

Simpson’s Nail My Catholic Upbringing SCORE 113

Baby Otter Kissing SCORE 13

Rock-Paper-Scissors SCORE 12

Ingrown toenails. SCORE 106

This is Vantablack, the darkest material on earth absorbing 99.965% of radiation SCORE 11

Rest easy, little prince SCORE 101