Helping mom on Thanksgiving. SCORE 155

Star Wars: The Force Awakens SCORE 12

Old people… SCORE 19

Chichilianne, France SCORE 14

Yes. SCORE 262

Happy Turkey Day, Internet friends. SCORE 5

This is what Facebook has come to SCORE 125

Thankful for… SCORE 16

9 Reasons Your Friends Are More Grown Up Than You SCORE 1

When the Thanksgiving meal is over. SCORE 118

Tina on feminism. SCORE 256

This dog gets all the chicks SCORE 156

white guys can jump…. just not high enough SCORE 10

Space cats. SCORE -2

Album covers expanded. SCORE 6

Surrender my phone! SCORE 137

I. Am. Screwed. SCORE 157

Do not push the button!! Bujing!! SCORE 4

The eternal Thanksgiving struggle. SCORE 125


Why is Peter Pan always flying? SCORE 177

Higher Powers SCORE 120

I came in like a butterball! SCORE 87

I’ll never have a threesome. SCORE 145

Saw this today SCORE 15

Problems in the USA. SCORE 215

It’s true SCORE 174

How relationships work. SCORE 130

I’ve been expecting you. SCORE 14

Kaiju Killer Bandana SCORE -5

Harry Potter And Hagrid On The Bus In Real Life. SCORE 148

Grandparents. SCORE 10