Snowman needs repairs SCORE 13

2 Types Of Girls SCORE -5

Little Girl Absolutely Nails Geography Test SCORE 1

It's Not About Where You Are Today SCORE 8

Drunk Girls Discuss World Issues: Gun Control SCORE -3

Sam bought a thousand watermelons SCORE 15

Probably Why I’m Actually Single SCORE 11

Looks Glovely SCORE 136

Asian languages SCORE 16

Meanwhile, at offices receiving my resume… SCORE 16

Merica SCORE 190

Artisan*lly aged pizza dough SCORE 195

Every dog has its day SCORE 13

These Guys Are Going Places SCORE 16

Very Clever SCORE 243

I Had No Idea These Existed SCORE -10

Lost Boyfriend, Please Help SCORE 13

The Rare Chemis-Tree SCORE 4

When puppies meet cat SCORE 14

Proud Dad Right Here SCORE 165

Socializing Today With Smartphone Addicts SCORE 15

Random Shower Thoughts SCORE 20

Welcome team for aliens SCORE 14

A tiger was devastated after she lost her cubs, so the zookeepers improvised SCORE 152

Tis the Season… SCORE 4

The Truth SCORE 7

Holiday realization SCORE 190

Homer has to make one good deed to get into heaven SCORE 129

Small shrimp survives 15 years in EcoSphere SCORE 133

Fabulous Tortoise Cozies SCORE 9

How do I eat my Reese’s? SCORE 13

Make America Great Again SCORE 197