what has my life come to? SCORE 38

rip old friend SCORE 26

my happy place SCORE 29

just do it SCORE 30

the front door is around the back SCORE 13

no longer temporary SCORE 11

breaking up over email SCORE -16

freebee SCORE 32

untoad story SCORE 14

you weren’t supposed to find out like this SCORE 5
the biggest party ever SCORE -9

tell us what to do please SCORE 5

task failed successfully SCORE 33

only jack black SCORE 25

made with real wood SCORE 4

that’s what sea said SCORE 13

bed is bed SCORE 12

fear the ocean SCORE 24

when you know how to play the game better than the game maker SCORE 40

just put on shoes SCORE 26

they have what? SCORE 40

it’s dangerous to go alone SCORE 39

studio life SCORE 27

still gifted SCORE 55

slide or stairs? SCORE 8

play me like a bongo SCORE 30

who needs sleep? SCORE 37

feeling regretti SCORE 9

less training required SCORE 25

last cat of the day SCORE 43

dear slim SCORE 5

justin’s nut butter SCORE 58