Hitler. SCORE 8
Dwarves Cheat Sheet SCORE 0
Just Harry and Hagrid on a bus SCORE 11
Mom of the Year Award SCORE 11
In an alternate universe. SCORE 303
Legolas SCORE 1
Meh… SCORE 82
Dog Shaming SCORE 20
Maximum fail. SCORE 199
Doctor Whooooo SCORE 138
Petting Chart SCORE 0
Relationship Rules SCORE 12
Hell. SCORE 3
A Card SCORE 163
Wizarding Law SCORE 16
Doctor Song SCORE 29
Make a Backup SCORE 2
Snow Dog to Dog Fort… Over. SCORE 142
Tube Rules SCORE 17
Some men … SCORE 2
Fan Fiction. SCORE 5
How to ask a girl out. SCORE 2
Facts. SCORE 148
Trapped SCORE 9
Forgetfulness SCORE 9
Cheese SCORE 20
Tea time. SCORE 208
Faith in humanity, restored. SCORE 361
Life Plane SCORE 139
Yes please. SCORE 122