Words. SCORE 318
Oh, Comic Geeks SCORE 16
I have no idea what I’m doing. SCORE 10
Paper adventures. SCORE 254
Dogs wearing socks. SCORE 203
That moment when you think your food is coming out… SCORE 167
Eggs Are Sides For Bacon SCORE 4
For best results. SCORE 23
Salvador Dali Coffee SCORE 262
The caps lockness monster. SCORE 244
Becoming an adult. SCORE 168
Being polite. SCORE 343
Tastes like disappointment… SCORE 153
Ped Xing SCORE 6
I got 99 problems… SCORE 18
The cobra died. SCORE 323
The Doctor Does LES MIZ SCORE 245
stop SCORE 13
Well played. SCORE 318
Sandals glued to floor prank. SCORE 7
My weekend plans. SCORE 106
I woke up with a positive attitude… SCORE 179
Thank you and goodnight. SCORE 140
The Jackson patented shoe. SCORE 17
Gay Marriage SCORE 184
Burger in a can SCORE 96
Hippity hop. SCORE 207
If you teleported a mirror 50 million light years away from earth… SCORE 137
Ron’s at it again… SCORE 344
Why you’re in the friendzone… SCORE 180
I’m Luigi. SCORE 302
The glow in the dark dog. SCORE 12