Pope Sloth SCORE -4

But it is. SCORE 21

Thermochromatic table. SCORE 205

One latte to rule them all. SCORE 198

Dem feels. SCORE 145

Seems legit. SCORE 18

Countries and their history. SCORE 19

Olympic Cat Curling SCORE 5

Physics! SCORE 248

Scary to cute in .01 seconds. SCORE 219

Grammar Nazi. SCORE 24

Was not expecting that. SCORE 240

Unique fire pit by Melissa Crisp SCORE 201

My Life Summed Up In A Sentence SCORE 181

Snow Removal to the Next Level SCORE 21

Thanks, dad. SCORE 13

Next stop, the Olympics. SCORE 160

Thank You Cleverbot SCORE 9

Genetics. SCORE 221

He’s pretty good at hide n’ seek. SCORE 131

A glitch in the Matrix. SCORE 148

Diver Uses Superpowers To Knock Over Rock SCORE 145

drumroll please….baby camels has begun their conquest of the internets. SCORE 160

Valentines from historical figures. SCORE 13

The single greatest picture ever SCORE 16

Scumbag toddlers. SCORE 15

The ultimate bear fight. SCORE 186

Is she behind me? SCORE 16

Best treehouses in the world. SCORE 162

Yoga class. SCORE 3

Justin Bieber’s house searched by cops… SCORE 174

hahahahaha SCORE 185