What food can do for you. SCORE 8

Derpy dogs. SCORE 12

Thanks Siri. SCORE 104

Being an introvert at a party SCORE 130

Hardships SCORE 7

Perogies on board SCORE 0

How to scare your postman. SCORE 191

Boyfriend level: 83364883. SCORE 296

Way too general practitioner SCORE 138

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. SCORE 9

Me in the outside world. SCORE 141

Getting spotted by a girl. SCORE 245

Thanks uterus… SCORE 111

Most populated places in the world. SCORE 3

Straight Outta High School SCORE 5

Winter in Boston. SCORE 7

Why build granny flats SCORE -6

How you know you’re drunk. SCORE 7

Dave Chappelle on stealing candy. SCORE 8

Frozen Venice SCORE 167

I like these guys better when they were single SCORE 14

Always listen before you speak SCORE 13

Facial massages be like… SCORE 11

He really likes 50 Cent SCORE 13

Whenever I go home. SCORE 4

Europe vs. America SCORE -1

Learn the lingo. SCORE 131

Siberian Husky walking on a frozen lake SCORE 138

Look at this kid SCORE 187

Why cats love boxes. SCORE 9

Potatoes SCORE 8

Women jokes. SCORE 5