A Tiny Cactus SCORE 129

Everyone’s favorite guessing game SCORE 160

Life with public transportation SCORE 116

The Easiest Way To A Man’s Heart SCORE 129

The taste of fine tequila. SCORE 12

The Awesome Margaret Hamilton SCORE 235

Pretty accurate depiction on how fandoms work. SCORE 159

I can totally relate to this SCORE 117

Meanwhile on tinder SCORE 146

The struggle is real SCORE 15

my life SCORE 200

I think I found a new doctor SCORE 15

Cheer up! SCORE 137

What Is That? Oh No It’s Bananas! SCORE 6

Scrubba dub dub SCORE 130

Classical music struggle SCORE 162

When You Put An Ikea Print In A Modern Art Museum SCORE 142

The Perfect Salad SCORE 9

Every day SCORE 119

My bedtime routine SCORE 14

JoJo the comfort dog works at dentistry clinic to help ease patients' anxiety SCORE 18

If You Love Something SCORE 10

What I wish I could say during interviews SCORE 138

Gym Domino Effect SCORE 200

Apparently I Chose The Wrong Career SCORE 6

Granny Diving SCORE -12

Notes In Class SCORE 147

Reasonable Response SCORE 14

Some Call Me An Impulse Buyer SCORE 15

The saddest face swap SCORE 138

Here’s The Problem With Math Tests SCORE 15

10/10 would watch SCORE 202