weird & feared SCORE 18
“hope you don’t have a nut allergy” SCORE 16
relationship dynamwik SCORE 0
floatie fren SCORE 41
trial of errors SCORE 30
a lite fan SCORE 19
woah, jack SCORE 11
pierogi pilfering SCORE 1
history of ska SCORE 18
rhu-barbarian pie SCORE 13
timmy turn-down all others SCORE 5
kevin cuddle conundrum SCORE 26
tombob bradypants SCORE 5
full metal confusion SCORE 27
take me home mountain mothma SCORE 16
cutting corners SCORE 7
American Hero SCORE 16
mugshot matches SCORE 10
lightweight light-reading SCORE 10
banging looks SCORE 10
anatomy of a lil’ guy SCORE 24
bedside manners SCORE 27
“oompa loompa doopadee-doo, this is what happens when you box a kangaroo!” SCORE 20
mushroom munching SCORE 21
photo finisher SCORE 21
attention sponge SCORE 4
ashes turned them to ashes SCORE 31
we’ve scot to stop! SCORE 9
rock sold job SCORE 27
lights-out lightweight SCORE 9
the chopping (ad)block SCORE 12
nudus et timet SCORE 17