This majestic creature SCORE 94
I wanna look like John Wick SCORE 52
Assturd’s real father! SCORE 88
Are You A Raccoon? SCORE 88
In 100 Years, Google Will Run An Ancestry Site… SCORE 90
Papa bless SCORE 39
Disney has lost itself. SCORE 110
The president of Finland offering the first lady a cucumber SCORE 50
Life goals SCORE 108
She’s right, you know. SCORE 77
Our local pizza place gives excellent advice. SCORE 68
Life of indoor squirrel SCORE 103
Someone made 50 cent’s tweet into a poster SCORE 57
I’m Getting A Cat! A Ghost Cat? SCORE 84
Scientists Find A Frog In Costa Rica That Looks Just Like Kermit SCORE 103
Wholesome Gandalf SCORE 130
Lesser known powers. SCORE 36
Wear and tear at Disney World waiting line SCORE 74
There Was A Fly SCORE 54
Never trust a sheep. SCORE 73
Urinals that protect your shoes from splashback SCORE 67
This dude on the train wouldn’t stop staring at me. SCORE 82
Wu-Tang Wednesday SCORE 63
I’ll never be bored again SCORE 97
This Teacher Helped Save Her Student’s Life SCORE 72
There was an attempt to be genderless SCORE 81
Fight the good fight. SCORE 92
Without a doubt SCORE 116
Mosquitoes trying to reach skin through net SCORE 63
Prehistoric sloth much larger than a bear! SCORE 65
jake is okay SCORE 94