The future. SCORE 23
Good Guy Dave. SCORE 461
I like the sound you make when… SCORE 12
Well Played Bruce, Well Played… SCORE 2
and again…and again…and again… SCORE 8
Why doesn’t this exist? SCORE 228
What Goes Through A Daleks Mind SCORE 12
Do you think prison guards use proactive? SCORE 277
Shotgun vs. Rosa parks. SCORE 290
Mount Rainier, Washington SCORE 257
How automakers see back seat passengers… SCORE 7
How “no homo” sounds. SCORE 21
I can’t wait to see this in my grandkids history books! SCORE 207
Our nations finest quidditch players. SCORE 482
Trying to eat a Nature Valley bar SCORE 208
King Cuddles. SCORE 8
Come on in, the water’s fine! SCORE -14
My friend’s chin is a shark. SCORE 241
go home science, you’re drunk SCORE 230
Louigi gets a tough break. SCORE 24
You’ll find that song….Stay here a while longer SCORE 18
Introducing the Nopefish. SCORE 295
Words. SCORE 17
Church of Rodel, Scotland SCORE 21
The truth about honey. SCORE -27
Well, that’s one reason… SCORE 20
Soon. SCORE 8
Brave or stupid? SCORE 16
I can never show my face around there again SCORE 9
Complimentary air guitar. SCORE 10