How does she make money? SCORE 87
How did I do, son? SCORE 100
Lunch SCORE 80
Jack SCORE 60
The supposed future SCORE 163
Such improvement! SCORE 98
Mr. E.T. SCORE 68
Shhh. Trust Me! SCORE 45
How to break the ice with a girl SCORE 58
This is a real billboard SCORE 85
How are your classes going? SCORE 107
My three-year-old kid today SCORE 89
I am his hands. He is my eyes. SCORE 145
Watching Dragon Ball with The God of Destruction SCORE 90
Lenticular clouds over mountain SCORE 91
Defeating the purpose perfectly SCORE 113
The Good Place SCORE 143
#Cthulhu2016 SCORE 77
Nothing Like Having Two Daughters SCORE 79
This is what happiness physically looks like. A myosin protein dragging an endorphin along a filament to the inner part of the brain’s parietal cortex which creates happiness. SCORE 115
Someone Cares SCORE 86
Nice to meet you! SCORE 115
How I feel voting Libertarian for the first time ever SCORE 32
Mattress Race SCORE 121
My Dog Thinks This Is The Safest Place When Vacuum SCORE 87
My neighbor is a monster SCORE 111
Hey, it’s my funeral… SCORE 66
Cuuuuuttteeee!!! SCORE 75
Understanding the difference between urban, suburban and rural SCORE 140
How real men shave, 1940′s SCORE 65
Police received reports of a "500-lbs. pig" chasing students SCORE 106