Ghost rider SCORE 86

Hang loose SCORE 91

Impact of a book SCORE 80

Meanwhile On Ebay SCORE 44

In the mist. (Switzerland) SCORE 128

The Best Thrift Store Find… SCORE 100

Damn, I’m good! SCORE 80

Cerberus As A Puppy, Guarding The Gates To Heck SCORE 171

this isn’t very apeeling dennys SCORE 67

Its that time of year SCORE 67

Facebook and Privacy. SCORE 108

I mean… wow SCORE 89

sleepi disease SCORE 80

A retired LEGO mold SCORE 76

I’m a bracelet now SCORE 68

Mark Hamill is such a ‘Joker’ SCORE 147

Keeping up with news. SCORE 55

I’m a zucker for pranks SCORE 109

Dog meeting little kittens for the first time SCORE 110

yeah how bout NO. SCORE 117

law school SCORE 63

One of a kind SCORE 103

*Gulp* SCORE 75

Good plan SCORE 72

Any size Pepsi would do actually. SCORE 108

As an artist, this realistic painting isn’t impressive at all SCORE 42

Word of a veteran. SCORE 188

Grandson tech support SCORE 87

College has taught me that a lot of adults play Pokemon. SCORE 87

Bleb SCORE 78

Momster SCORE 119

One Japan is equal to one whole Japan SCORE 70