Looking for a book SCORE 13
Please fall in line SCORE 12
Ba dum tish SCORE 138
Shark food… SCORE 9
I Don’t Understand Why The Idea is Radical… SCORE 10
Favorite Spring Time Game SCORE 9
How to win your crush SCORE 7
World Record Loudest Burp SCORE 12
He has certainly done more than me SCORE 10
Are you taken? SCORE 14
Parent teacher conferences. SCORE 181
Is that not what URL stands for SCORE 8
Fabric SCORE 9
My yard sign has finally arrived! SCORE 14
Damn dude that's cold SCORE 133
Conquer the universe!!! SCORE 160
Real estate SCORE 12
Don’t worry, we are always by your side SCORE 102
Applying For Jobs Today SCORE 17
Climate Change Debate SCORE 15
Well that’s embarrassing… SCORE 132
Just The Card I Needed SCORE 7
Big-dog anatomy SCORE 99
my phone SCORE 10
Alternatives SCORE 9
This Little Guy Is A True Gentleman SCORE 134
Appraise me not SCORE 7
So What Came First In The Orange Conundrum? SCORE 12
A concept precious few people grasp SCORE -9
Charging your phone overnight SCORE 13
I love the dork SCORE 149
What Is That? Oh No It’s Bananas SCORE 10