S/he SCORE -14
He did the math SCORE 210
Those leaves never stood a chance… SCORE 221
There’s no sabbatical from being smooth. SCORE 198
Nintendo Wisdom SCORE 200
Welcome to Canada SCORE 202
We understand each other! SCORE 227
Coworker winning. Thank you for this, baby Jesus. SCORE 10
This mouse deserves an award SCORE 170
Romance in the 21st Tumblr century. SCORE 305
Dating. SCORE 50
No Reward SCORE 200
Furry friends. SCORE 16
Yams SCORE -4
Fear SCORE 132
How to 360 Flip on a Skateboard SCORE -2
Where are the snacks… SCORE 18
This duck in a tuxedo SCORE 11
When I need longer arms. SCORE 154
Loki Charms! SCORE 16
So cruel. SCORE 124
Every Maid of Honor Speech, Ever SCORE 8
The Starks are excited. SCORE 13
Duckling waking up. You have to see the head shake SCORE 180
Our lord and savior. SCORE 7
Summer bonfires. Just need some mallows… SCORE 122
Iron Dog. SCORE 177
My mind has just been violated SCORE 141
Suarez Park SCORE 106
rotating hand..OMG.. SCORE 46
Girls shaving their legs. SCORE 149
Good guy Putin. SCORE 150