Most ignored warning in the history of warnings. SCORE 202

Surgery SCORE 16

Cat attacking large potato. SCORE 10

Batman. SCORE 272

13 year old me was wrong. SCORE 245

A dilemma. SCORE 149

Punography. SCORE 129

Not sure if tiny banana or huge chapstick… SCORE 190

A Catastrophic Diagnosis SCORE 19

Sad, but true SCORE 170

It’s huge SCORE 183


Burn! SCORE 234

Googly eyes make everything better SCORE 20

watch out for my body rolls. SCORE -11

Wow, a gun! SCORE 8

This is mesmerizing. SCORE 177

My street name? SCORE 219

I’ll pass… SCORE 16

Husky puppy. SCORE 12

These Fossilised Bugs Have Been Having Sex For 165 Million Years SCORE 6

The Fellowship of the Beards? SCORE 9

Adorable puppy wants to warm up SCORE 17

Bravery. SCORE 224

Gotta Catch Em’ All SCORE 17

Reactions to Early Christmas Decorations.. SCORE 240

This stick is psyched SCORE 8


The moment you realize the black dot in the corner is actually a spider SCORE 17

Twerk it! SCORE 18

Modern friendship. SCORE 14

‘Tis the season SCORE 155