she really loves the pizza SCORE 9

living off royalties… not really SCORE 14

the frog has spoken SCORE 25

spot the doggo. bet you can’t! SCORE 20

shake your brain like an etch-n-sketch SCORE 33

a golden retreevee SCORE 28

love you too, bbq squirrel SCORE 13

back seat police driving SCORE 5

same feeling SCORE 27

the best way to let someone know you really don’t want to talk to them SCORE 20

a perfectly well-adjusted avocado SCORE 21

there is no death more embarrassing than this SCORE 27

there are no friends at the airport SCORE 17

the times they are a changin’ SCORE 17

you have my lack of attention SCORE 22

the struggle is real SCORE 19

best i can do is grand kitten SCORE 25

the fellowship of the chumbawumba SCORE 14

a new, just as depressing way to live! SCORE 22

cleaning break earned SCORE 16

dating app idea for goths SCORE 25

i tried my best SCORE 14

it turned out i was the monster the whole time SCORE 29

i go quackers for bread SCORE 19

singing the song of its people SCORE 20

ready for my senior discount SCORE 17

in this economy??? SCORE 8

best of luck SCORE 16

clever crows SCORE 54

a one time exception to the rule SCORE 19

not again… SCORE 19

definitely came from space SCORE 28