Time to work on the family farm SCORE 92

Thank you Jesus for the cell coverage SCORE 140

Me flirting… SCORE 77

The way the sun hit this pelican made it so you can see the fish in its mouth SCORE 93

This Salt Firing Shotgun Eliminates Flies In Seconds SCORE 90

Introducing: The Democorgon SCORE 92

OMG! An angel! SCORE 91

She spent the last 40 years hand painting her own version of the Sistine Chapel in her council falt (Diana Keys, aged 70) SCORE 95

He just wants to help SCORE 108

Undoing the knot SCORE 109

Ken m on food SCORE 95

An aerial view of the Grand Canyon at sunrise SCORE 111

Forever THORSTyy…. SCORE 34

Paying my rent in Venmo, accidentally hit request instead SCORE 72

Every time SCORE 44

Andrew SCORE 83

Father of The Year SCORE 130

Funny not funny. SCORE 144

Duck off! SCORE 111

When the hot pockets call, you answer SCORE 132

The way the sun hit this pelican made it so you can see the fish in its mouth SCORE 35

I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing – Yeah?… SCORE 52

Glasses are so unattractive SCORE 173

A bird house apartment complex in Japan SCORE 81

Accusations keep piling up. All these perverts in government must go! SCORE 104

Suckers… SCORE 89

Package hiding level: EXPERT SCORE 206

Superb SCORE 103

Do better. SCORE 74

I’d like to have a serious word with whoever said that SCORE 77

Whenever A Canadian Gets Angry SCORE 62

Livin’ the God Life SCORE 97