A Boy and his Marmot. SCORE 79

I feel attacked and I do not like it SCORE 71

Can you feel it? SCORE 36

BUt i nEEd tHe mOnEY SCORE 32

Tonight, WE RIDE SCORE 77

We were too young to help :/ SCORE 56

The original and unused death scene for the kid in Jaws SCORE 43

Cowboys never die SCORE 52

At least he has a handle on English… SCORE 40

Works every time SCORE 41

Origin story SCORE 96

Escape by any means necessary. SCORE 75

Grandma duty. SCORE 110

The motherbatch SCORE 69

Danger noodles need water too. SCORE 103

The effect of legalizing marinara that we are all waiting for. SCORE 78

Grandpa’s first attempt at cosplay turned out spectacular. SCORE 94

The peas on this poster are upsidedown. SCORE 78

I needed this information SCORE 46

Instant time travel for the masses. SCORE 50

Fighting the wrong battle, bud. SCORE 75

God blessed the werewolf. SCORE 86

I’m not convinced she even has a son… SCORE 79

Eh, I’m fine… SCORE 64

Humans need to unload. This is the place for that. SCORE 67


Sorry mom, I don’t want to watch The Bachelor… SCORE 56

You are the motivation… It’s always been you. SCORE 64

Prepare for lift off! SCORE 48

It’s a dead giveaway… SCORE 46

squirrel sized humans SCORE 73

Incepted Adventures SCORE 66