Can practically hear their diabolical laugh SCORE 102

Yep, officially a girl. SCORE 133

My expensive, unlimited data plans drops to 3G when I use a certain number of gigabytes. Thanks Verizon SCORE 88

Good taste in music SCORE 137

Not even the symbiote can stop him from being a g o o d b o y e SCORE 121

"Is he coming?" SCORE 129

As an American, this has become a daily question. SCORE 136

Preparing for the exam vs. the actual exam SCORE 107

‘I’ll do it. I swear to god, I’ll do it.’ SCORE 93

Took Me A Minute… SCORE 127

Edible A E S T H E T I C SCORE 109

The transfer is complete SCORE 161

Not worth the risk SCORE 99

Years of therapy SCORE 96

Best friends SCORE 137

How Come Nobody Holding Onto You? SCORE 56

Putin meets his biggest tiny fan SCORE 103

Read, Write, Repeat SCORE 91

Japanese Spider Crab, the things of my nightmares. SCORE 65

Japan pie chart SCORE 107

A friend asked me to mind his houseplant for a few days. I hope he likes the makeover I gave it SCORE 116

A Geode Cake SCORE 91

Just one more game SCORE 62

The truth SCORE 141

And the Oscar for Best Extra goes to… SCORE 149

Drone photo of nine climbers atop the summit of the Jungfrau in Switzerland SCORE 151

You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success. SCORE 91

Only human SCORE 124

This man has the job I deam of. SCORE 113

How is this even an issue? SCORE 163

You Know You Have A School That Is Awesome When… SCORE 118

This is why dentists have nightmares. SCORE 91