Exfoliate! SCORE 141

I said no kisses! SCORE 196

Creepy sloth. SCORE 8

Two months into college and I wasn’t homesick until today SCORE 291

crayon melting fail. SCORE 2

Well that was racist. SCORE 220

True, Very True SCORE 9

Climbing the corporate ladder at the company I work for. SCORE 13

Cleverbot Knows Whats Up SCORE 8

Oh, Hi there. SCORE 10

What happens when you put a 7-Eleven in a Walmart. SCORE 147

True, Sad but True SCORE 21

Does he have your number? SCORE 8

Cleverbot Joke Time SCORE 9

Unlikely friends. SCORE 14

It’s dangerous out there… SCORE 178

Do want SCORE 240

Love is about timing. SCORE 240

Trouble with cups. SCORE 168

Thought bubbles. SCORE 257

It’s only fair SCORE 214

Science Humor SCORE 319

Isn’t marriage beautiful? SCORE 5

Bill Waterson on relaxing. SCORE 219

Don’t dwell on the past SCORE 198

I have the necessary koalafications. SCORE 9

Asian gangs. SCORE 279

Annoying things to do on an elevator. SCORE 187

The ultimate shame. SCORE 176

Dogs using computers SCORE 72

Wait for it… SCORE 165

How ATMs Make Me Feel SCORE 8