Snail has flower SCORE 76

Even if you could travel at almost lightspeed, you couldn’t really go farther than this SCORE 70

Let’s see how long it takes for Mom to notice… SCORE 67

Universal mute button SCORE 89

This Rabbit with Yuge ears SCORE 123

Merry Christmas from Russia and to all a good night! SCORE 98

The upside to not having nice things SCORE 23

When you get a tattoo at age 11 SCORE 61

When Dad’s in charge of the family Christmas card… SCORE 130

A few myths and legends about winter – from ancient mythology to modern folktales SCORE 60

This guy… SCORE 145

Parker I want that picture of Spiderman on my desk by noon! SCORE 62

Dont they see fat and sick people all day? SCORE -73

Frozen spider web SCORE 74

I’m Glad You’re Up SCORE 58

Party goals SCORE 157

Goat physics SCORE 91

Chicken meowt SCORE 70

Cuddle up SCORE 78

How much crust is too much? SCORE 95

Cave memes SCORE 132

Didn’t see that one coming SCORE 82

This geode looks like a burrito SCORE 79

"The cat stole my bed" SCORE 86

Lowes and Home Depot SCORE 74

Somebody Give This Stock Boy A Raise… SCORE 75

Makes perfect sense SCORE 114

From now on, this is my favorite Disney princess SCORE 44

Nuns night out SCORE 81

"You know nothing Dog Snow" SCORE 99

Best company picnic ever SCORE 75

The Leafy Sea Dragon SCORE 80