Everytime I cook something while on the computer SCORE 99

Moutain Lightning SCORE 118

FINALLY! A candidate I can get behind! SCORE 94

Cursing In Ice Cream Flavors SCORE 94

Same SCORE 11

This Aladdin gif reversed SCORE 101

New Bad Words We Should Consider SCORE 9

Dog Diary Vs Cat Diary SCORE 79

I’m not a woman, but this seems pretty convenient. SCORE 145

Some of my skills SCORE 11

No one keeps track of your screw ups SCORE 97

Girls at Starbucks… SCORE 1

Such a deep poem SCORE 186

Former child SCORE 121

Could It Be…? SCORE -1

Void is the new black SCORE 156

Canadian Riot SCORE 102

Me after too many interviews SCORE 4

Rejuvenation SCORE 77

You’re* SCORE 8

That was close… SCORE 6

It’s a hard word… SCORE 5

I Would Be There Every Day SCORE 4

Intense eye roll SCORE 84

I see WAY too much of this SCORE 84

These Are Stronger Than Some Relationships… SCORE 11

Oddly Satisfying – Crushing Silly String with a Hydraulic Press SCORE 56

Undercover Lyft with Shaquille O’Neal SCORE 21

You Know What To Do Now SCORE 98

Appled mathematics SCORE -3

Some people don’t appreciate funny SCORE 10

Every Time I Make Pasta SCORE 5