Star Wars crayon carvings SCORE 12

She Was Non-Specific SCORE 12

Kinda Suspicious SCORE 17

The Golden Girls always throwing shade SCORE 9

It’s all mine. SCORE 13

This Robe Is A True Work Of Art SCORE 76

Cute animals and mini versions SCORE 13

He’s Definitely Seen Better Days SCORE 125

Extra Sausage SCORE 8

Shut Up, Taco SCORE 104

Benches in Sweden SCORE 7

How to pronounce gif SCORE 14

Cleverbot SCORE 166

Hello SCORE 137

Well it's not gonna catch itself SCORE 14

Get Trumped! (This is a joke): drawn by Paul Reoyo SCORE -2

He Got Tired SCORE 162

Pinterest in a nutshell SCORE 17

All shopping carts should have these SCORE 147

It’s The Worst Feeling Ever SCORE 14

Even the little toe has a purpose SCORE 10

Old Phone Tradition SCORE 149

True friends aren’t worth copying and pasting for SCORE -20

My new lighter uses electricity. SCORE 123

We All Know A Guy That’s Exactly Like This SCORE 17

Chivalry is dead SCORE 253

See you there, Tom SCORE 95

Bill bill bill bill bill! SCORE 193

Ashamed to say that I read it the same way SCORE 172

Deep thoughts SCORE 149

Careful what you wish for. SCORE 185

What a time to be alive SCORE 11