Legal guns simplified. SCORE 5

This is sparta SCORE 246

It’s Not Just The Tears SCORE 155

Kid president SCORE 165

Like They Say, A Lannister Always Walks His Pets SCORE 122

Quite Possibly The Best Fish Tank Ever SCORE 14

Little Monk SCORE 15

David Grohl on pop music SCORE 196

Wi-Fi Connection Explained SCORE 8

17 Images That Prove Husbands Just Can’t Follow Directions SCORE 7

Field work fails SCORE 161

Need I Say More? SCORE 12

CEO of lego responds like a boss SCORE 198

See This Book? It’s Red SCORE 172

Yes, I can see the future. SCORE 114

If You Have A Pet… SCORE 133

I love Ellen! SCORE 12

Don’t Shush BB8 SCORE 126

Childhood Fear SCORE 110

Little Eskimo and her husky SCORE 114

Jurassic park didn’t warn me about these monsters SCORE 138

I Didn’t Think People Could Be That Dumb SCORE 186

There's no pleasing this dude SCORE 140

Clever LEGO Key And Cable Holder SCORE 13

The three leaders of North America SCORE 64

Differences Between Men And Women SCORE -20

19 Cutest Animals With Their Loving Mommies SCORE 10

Harrison Ford SCORE 8

Some Good Perspective SCORE 268

Hail Satan SCORE 124

Tough call SCORE 9

Happiness starts with an H SCORE 15