Every young man should learn how to change a tire. SCORE 243

Did you do something different with your hair? SCORE 145

Story of my life. SCORE 268

My Precious!!! SCORE 252

This boy is ugly. SCORE 221

Home sweet home! SCORE 227

Me too. SCORE 285

Mmmm Kevin. SCORE 271

Alien logic. SCORE 262

How to be a jerk. SCORE 201

What causes brain freeze? SCORE 217

True story. SCORE 246

I said sit!!! SCORE 251

Well hydrated kitty. SCORE 174

How I feel about “Fifty Shades of Grey.” SCORE 198

Realistic Google+ circles. SCORE 237

Sorry, whales. SCORE 301

Trolling a bungee jumper. SCORE 263

Baby it’s hot in here, open some Windows. SCORE 183

Nutella covered bacon. SCORE 201

There’s an app for that. SCORE 301

I’m going to need some of these. SCORE 189

I like you. SCORE 215

Whoops. SCORE 221

Why you should spiral cut your wiener. SCORE 212

Buh dum tsssss! SCORE 153

Public swimming pools. SCORE 227

How I drive. SCORE 220

Nobody likes to floss. SCORE 144

Reactions to being placed inside a box. SCORE 205

Welcome to the hood. SCORE 104

Puppy missile. SCORE 179