just remember friends <3 SCORE 6

thanks for the helpful Pokémon fact… SCORE 27

it would make things easier SCORE 17

girls know the pain SCORE 20

muahahahhahaha SCORE 13

sounds about right SCORE 23

faulk no! SCORE 40

the shower power SCORE 18

i moustache you to stop doing that SCORE 12

the duality of man SCORE 21

hope it doesn’t go carrotten SCORE 20

that’s a stretch SCORE 4

a grave report SCORE 13

david attenborough narrating a gamer’s day SCORE -7

the master plan SCORE 11

dammit fred SCORE 4

the ghost of dishes past SCORE 11

well now you need to fill forms 57A and 2N-3.4 SCORE 9

i’m a fan of that idea SCORE 22

defeat-notype SCORE 12

weird how i knew what they meant, too… SCORE 16

sibling rivalry SCORE 25

dream rotation SCORE 0

well it’s not wrong SCORE 14

we all know the episode in question SCORE 38

money’s a helluva drug SCORE 19

take a minute SCORE 24

we’re being nice to ourselves now SCORE 27

seems cheesy but it may just work SCORE 12

one last seedy operation SCORE 19

may be here a while… SCORE 12

want to unread this so bad SCORE 9