Do want. SCORE 189

Lies! SCORE 273

Touch screen haters club. SCORE 198

Have you ever wanted to punch a child? SCORE 210

Back off. SCORE 344

I remember too. SCORE 125

Get well soon. SCORE 65

Become aware. SCORE 269

I can relate. SCORE 285

Just feeding my baby turtles… SCORE 294


Hipster Einstein. SCORE 170

Remain beautiful somehow. SCORE 134

You just have internet access. SCORE 179

You gonna eat that chair? SCORE 146

You’re not my real mom! SCORE 300

Not as fun… SCORE 118

Obi-Juan Kenobi. SCORE 249

Meanwhile in Brazil. SCORE 265

MEGA best friends! SCORE 228

So that’s how they do it. SCORE 127

How I feel after a nap. SCORE 263

Me too… SCORE 241

Just four circles. SCORE 220

Opened a pack of gum in class… SCORE 155

Tetris, soccer edition. SCORE 227

Tea-rex. SCORE 156

Double facepalm. SCORE 267

Autocorrect formula. SCORE 204

Dreamsicle. SCORE 251

The Wikitrap. SCORE 262

When nerds fall in love. SCORE 229