A cute little monkey SCORE 18

Pumpkin scented everything! SCORE 143

My grandfather was a knight. SCORE 169

Girls on Halloween SCORE -1

why I love 30 rock SCORE 17

Survivor SCORE 236

Goddammit, limes SCORE 19

Barbie without makeup SCORE 19

Mum vs. dad SCORE 18

Shake it! SCORE 7

Sapiosexual SCORE 254

Blood Globe SCORE 23

Eat breakfast or skip? SCORE 296

Pear pressure SCORE 11

no fadda SCORE 16

Knit your own cat! SCORE 10

Follow your dreams, fool! SCORE 5

Swimsuits these days. SCORE 235

Jurassic Park’s least utilized crewman SCORE 293

When life hands you lemons… Make awesome Halloween costumes SCORE 309

3d tiger shirt SCORE 235

Coffee done right SCORE 217

Friendly Crabs SCORE 19

Canada, I forgive you SCORE 212

Burn! SCORE 279

Found this on campus SCORE 14

And the winner is… SCORE 14

all right then… SCORE 20

Mood swings SCORE 142

That’s No Pumpkin … SCORE 163

accurate SCORE 8

Duck slide SCORE 252