Flying first class SCORE 24
Sounds painful SCORE 28
Problem solved SCORE 42
request denied SCORE 30
The end is nigh SCORE 39
Meet me outside the saloon at high noon SCORE 24
With great power, comes great responsi-poo-lity SCORE 40
One meow to rule them all SCORE 31
My resume lied SCORE 30
Just keep swimming SCORE 37
Bosses hear what they wanna hear SCORE 62
That’s gonna leave an internal mark SCORE 37
When life gives you lemons, eat your laptop SCORE 31
My dream day SCORE 24
Don’t even breathe SCORE 10
It also counts as exercise SCORE 27
Those aren’t pigeons. Those are demon birds SCORE 40
I love that spatula so much SCORE 62
The truth is self evident SCORE 27
Catosaurus Rex SCORE 31
Wait until she learns about HOA fees SCORE 47
*Googles “Gordan Ramsey lamb sauce”* SCORE 28
What year is ist? SCORE 34
Are you there, God? SCORE 21
Or maybe Ghostface just won the lottery? SCORE 42
Faith in humanity lost SCORE -6
True friendship SCORE 23
Personal space doesn’t exist in the ocean SCORE 26
Live long and prosper… SCORE 32
Fake smile and nod SCORE 25
All hail King Kitten SCORE 27