People like this make me happy SCORE 144

I’m Ready, You Guys SCORE 113

Can't trust anyone these days SCORE 198

Turf War! SCORE 201

Dexter's crazy electricity bill SCORE 119

Sonic The Hedgehog In Real Life SCORE 126

My stomach SCORE 10

Renndølsetra, Norway SCORE 13

Real-life Clippy SCORE 220

No drama SCORE 160

And It Takes Forever To Charge SCORE 12

Alone together SCORE 192

All the ladies love him SCORE 14


Quote of the day SCORE 13

Doll for sale SCORE 15

I hope it's only wrestling! SCORE 6

Playing doctor is fun SCORE 8

Good Guy Tom Haverford… SCORE 230

Would be nice SCORE 138

Sesame Street buys Oscar a house SCORE 161

You will be hurt SCORE 10

Deer just found a new home SCORE 143

what people think of you. SCORE 12

Let's have a sketchy sun as well! SCORE 164

Soooooo, my microwave is demanding sacrifices now. SCORE 121

Bird Vs. Tennis Ball SCORE 7

Guitar players be like SCORE 112

I’d like to return this SCORE 10

Simpsons called it SCORE 186

This Twin Prank Is Genius SCORE 176

Women's Studies SCORE 147