Just like in real life! SCORE 170
This is Mekong, the newest resident of Edinburgh Zoo SCORE 12
Humans love packaging. SCORE 170
Olé muchachos! SCORE 12
Respect SCORE 164
Work. SCORE 161
Pleasing women vs. pleasing men. SCORE -4
You make a good point SCORE 5
When I leave a party when I’m drunk. SCORE 10
Flash. SCORE 163
Cover your eyes! SCORE -2
Little Armenia SCORE -4
Happiness. SCORE 7
Hipsters. SCORE 11
Yeah! Go for it! SCORE -8
Mormons. SCORE 377
Why spelling is important. SCORE 5
Prorammers vs. the users. SCORE 10
This woman SCORE 187
The foodzone SCORE 160
Will you play with me? SCORE 147
Cannibalism SCORE 12
Tiny hamsters on a tiny Valentine’s Day date. SCORE 26
Thesaurus. SCORE 154
This is why nobody likes you, Bing SCORE 16
When Tumblr got creepy SCORE 130
How To Be A Cat SCORE 8
Cathmathics SCORE 15
Yep. SCORE 167
Why was 6 afraid of 7? SCORE 16
The Italian edition of Harry Potter SCORE 206
So confused… SCORE 11