Do you even lift, bro? SCORE 16

What? SCORE 176

But… But… SCORE 235

Food flags. SCORE 277

this angers me SCORE 188

Fandom hug! Pass it along. SCORE 169

We would be de-grateful! SCORE 267

Free time. SCORE 250

Good Time SCORE 193

The grandma olympics. SCORE 348

Ice cream fails. SCORE 13

I think we need a bigger bowl SCORE 5

Not Xbox One SCORE 10

Accurate. SCORE 17

You have my permission SCORE 6

Why men learn Thai. SCORE 168

On time travel. SCORE 165

I will find you SCORE -11

The perfect Valentine’s Day. SCORE 18

Facebook “friends” SCORE 14

Mondays.. SCORE -15

You know what really grinds my gears SCORE -14

If only… SCORE 14

Wavy Seals SCORE 258

Up cake. SCORE 168

The race is on! SCORE 18

Exactly! SCORE 190

Nom nom nom… SCORE 14

This is not what I signed up for! SCORE 12

Snowman suicide. SCORE 113

What me? Crying? Psssssht… no. *wipes tear* SCORE 182