Family goals SCORE 31

Canadian passport in UV light SCORE 22

You’ll go down in history, bud! SCORE 11

Mom phones. SCORE 27

Smooth switching Bernie SCORE 34

Get baked. SCORE 22

It tastes fresher this way. SCORE 18

Washington DC 🇺🇸 SCORE 25

Ol’e rust bucket. SCORE 27

Kindergarten Teacher Passes Out Flowers To National Guard in Philly, Gets Arrested SCORE 22

Townsville, Australia. 432 Aboriginals have died in custody since 1991. SCORE 33

Never heard of him SCORE 30

Lobster is Lorde SCORE 21

Yeah, let’s actually do this thing. SCORE 32

water 2.0 SCORE 29

Mitt Romney joins. SCORE 25

Could have nipped this in the bud long ago, IMO. SCORE 35

Thanks Amy, BTW… SCORE 25

The Zuck, IRL SCORE 30

Meanwhile in russia SCORE 26


With a suitcase full of cats… SCORE 22

A quest is a quest… SCORE 27

Thank you for coming to my TED talk SCORE 44

The evolution of copper patina. SCORE 28

Your bookmark game is on character. SCORE 24

Why a war you know you would never win? SCORE 22

Hello frens! SCORE 27

Gonna burn this mother down… SCORE 27

17 artists from different walks of life, Charlotte NC SCORE 25

Please hire me… SCORE 30

Prosthetic leg progression SCORE 31