My favorite currency. SCORE 42
We both walked away empty handed that day. SCORE 62
Praise be SCORE 60
I just love travelling abroad… SCORE 82
A message from the rat king. SCORE 67
Extreme watermeloning. SCORE 55
Lock me up! SCORE 51
This guy lets girls give out his number when they don’t want to give out theirs SCORE 97
Famous scientists as children. SCORE 58
He is the cure? SCORE 82
Kneady boy SCORE 28
PPS – you really ought to recycle. SCORE 76
The Swedish king during a handball match. SCORE 73
They passed with flying colours. SCORE 122
This is literally my life. – Princes, probably. SCORE 53
Bad goat. SCORE 51
I will remain tucked. SCORE 80
Breaking wings. SCORE 33
jellyfish SCORE 42
You shall not leave. SCORE 92
I can’t believe you’ve done this… SCORE 51
You’re going to need more books… SCORE 42
Slav level 100 SCORE 65
Rock on SCORE 65
Perfection, at last! SCORE 29
Correct, comrade. SCORE 55
Tasty Owen. SCORE 58
Wait just a got dam minute. SCORE 77
These bottle caps have coordinates to camping and fishing locations SCORE 55
This man is actual stable genius. SCORE 49