Simple Gesture SCORE 143

To all the perfectionists out there, enjoy SCORE 9

Scumbag Teeth SCORE 144

A Word That Has No English Equivalent SCORE 10

We don't want you to catch a cold, now do we? SCORE 8

The Netflix Experience SCORE 12

Trigonometry SCORE 178

Naps Are A Bit Tricky SCORE 11

About Time! SCORE 59

Rat Trained To Fetch Tissues Whenever Someone Sneezes. SCORE 148

Self control SCORE 194

The look of regret SCORE 13

Thinking About Taking This Challenge SCORE 14

It's that time of year SCORE 6

I’m Sure Many Of Us Can Concur SCORE 5

Well, My Mind Is Officially Blown SCORE 16

Volcanic eruption from space SCORE 13

Her true name is Minerva Savage SCORE 255

Now I Probably Won’t Do It SCORE 15

We need to be able to zoom in SCORE 157

Ryan Gosling’s Little Cousin SCORE 162

Probably The Solution To Animal Testing SCORE 115

When Twilight Fans Read Dracula SCORE 16

Found this sticky note in an elevator today. SCORE 9

If Fox News forecasted the weather SCORE 11

School Buses SCORE 14

#MyRoommateIsWeird SCORE 140

Expensive Handbags SCORE 15

Well, that wasn’t quite what I expected SCORE 3

I’m Probably Not The Only One Who Feels This Way SCORE 15

When something happens to someone you hate. SCORE 8

Every book SCORE 6