Or reading an entire book in a day. SCORE 9

When I Remember The Pizza In The Oven SCORE 10

Oh, He Got You SCORE 1

Upstairs neighbors be like SCORE 103

A beautiful rainbow aura quartz SCORE 131

I've been doing it all wrong SCORE 12

A young Betty White SCORE 115

Star Wars BBQ tongs with sound effects SCORE 8

Just Squeezing In Here For Cuddles SCORE 18

Just a ‘Normal’ day in Russia… SCORE -8

Emails with unsubscribe links that don’t require logging in or verifying SCORE 140

What has happened to my love life?!?! SCORE -8

Optical illusion SCORE 97

When you trip in public SCORE 111

Exchanging Business Cards SCORE 6

Fiber optic dress SCORE 177

I love you, human SCORE 98

Cat Scaring A Bear SCORE 11

This Is How I Imagine A Cow Looks Like Inside SCORE 8

Tis but a flesh wound SCORE 13

That’s actually genius. SCORE 82

Ads Vs Reality: Sad Examples Of False Advertising SCORE 141

Accurate SCORE 12

A magic trick SCORE 8

Hover mode SCORE 122

Banks hate him SCORE 145

You can make it. SCORE 13

When I see a girl scout selling cookies SCORE 14

Dr. Seuss SCORE -10

Some men just want to watch the world live: Elon Musk SCORE 103

Tyrion's Opposite SCORE 5

Offending people: John Cleese dump SCORE 184